Aid transport from 11 -16 April 2022
The third transport of supplies for refugee centres and hospitals was once again successfully carried out by Dr Ralf-Peter Oelsner.
The articulated lorry, carrying 15 tons of aid material, started in Lüneburg on the 11th of April 2022 and reached its destination on the 14th of April 2022. All aid materials were inspected by the cities magistrate and spread onto smaller trucks.
During all that the sirens were wailing, alerting everyone that the region was under rocket fire. The people have gotten used to carrying out their work under those circumstances. Thus, the unloading took place without interruption. It was impressive how the distribution of the valuable load happened without problems. Everyone was busy spreading the load onto smaller trucks for five different destinations, one part was stored in the logistics centre to be distributed to regions where the supplies are much needed.
Everything was needed, and the joy was immense when the helpers noticed the number of supplies. Everyone expressed their gratitude.
The feeling of distributing the supplies among people that are in dire need cannot be described by words and we furthermore strive to do our best to help and prepare the next aid transport.
Once again one could notice the supplies that were needed the most:
Material for wound management
First off, material for wound management
The hospital in Winnyzja is specialized on modern wound management using vacuum therapy, where deep wounds are filled with wound sponge and negative pressure is applied to the wound via a special vacuum pump which leads to the wound healing faster. That is very important, for space is limited in the clinic due to the high number of injured people which leads to a need in surgical instruments. Surgeons must work countless hours to somewhat make up for that!
The capacities of the operating rooms are often no longer sufficient and additional operating theatre equipment such as surgical instruments, operating tables, etc. has been requested. Instruments, instrumentation tables, operating lamps, etc. have been requested. Work is sometimes done around the clock!
Because the large device for sterilization is malfunctioning a new autoclave has been added to the top of the list.
Thyroid hormone
Secondly, the thyroid hormone L-thyroxin is incredibly rare in the Ukraine.
Due to the radioactive burden in the thyroid after the reactor catastrophe of Chernobyl, many children and adults had to have their thyroid removed surgically. Because the thyroid hormone is an important activator of the human metabolism it is crucial for survival and with the thyroid being removed, one is required to take in the hormone regularly, which leads to an extreme shortage in that hormone.
Therefore, we were constantly asked everywhere for thyroxine.
Partnership offer clinic Lüneburg
We were extremely happy when the managing directors of the hospital in Lüneburg offered a partnership to the university hospital in the Ukraine.
The director of the university hospital Prof. Alexander Alexandrowitsch immediately send an official thank you letter which is passed on around Easter to the hospital in Lüneburg. We will make sure to further shape the layout of this partnership because it will give hope to the doctors and caregivers in the Ukrainian hospitals for a better future in peace and mutually ensured cooperation and support.
To summarize, with the third aid transport to Winnyzja, funded with donations of 20.000 Euros, supplies worth approximately 150.000 Euros have been distributed to institutions and facilities for refugee and patient care.
The benefit-ratio lies at 1 to 7.5 (1 Euro = 7.5 Euros of supplies)
Dr Ralf-Peter Oelsner used his stay in Winnyzja to visit the head of department for social and medical care of the cities magistrate to discuss further demand of aid transports. Moreover, further support of the city Winnyzja was discussed in a conversation with the deputy mayor to assure a needs-based and just distribution.
Planning of the next aid transport
The next aid transport to the Ukraine is set to take place during the 17th calendar week (last week of April)
Further donations in form of money and material are urgently needed.