The partners concerned are sending an important signal of hope to the people of Ukraine.


The following partnerships are already working successfully:


Klinikum Lüneburg and HGZ Bad Bevensen with Pyrogova Hospital Winnyzja and District Hospital Bar/Region Winnyzja:
An invitation has been issued for 7 medical colleagues for a 2-week observation period in May 2023.

An inclusion of Kherson hospital in the existing sponsorships of the clinics is in progress.


The theatre group of the Gymnasium Bleckede handed over € 1,000 to the theatre group of the Gymnasium Bar, as well as a photo album from the Elbtal-Grundschule Bleckede to the primary school in Bar. A partnership offer from the Bleckede secondary school for a secondary school in Bar was handed over to the magistrate of Winnyzja as well as a partnership offer from the Dülmen secondary school near Münster for a secondary school in Kharkiv. The pupils from the Marienau boarding school in Dahlenburg were there again. Great!

Agricultural school in Bar

Here the planning for a visit of 10 pupils and 4 teachers to Lüneburg and Bleckede in the 2nd half of May was concretised. Besides a 2-week internship in farms in Bleckede and Lüneburg. A cooperation project was agreed with the agricultural school in Lüneburg to develop a business model, an organic label for Ukraine according to EU standards, and the purchase of a herd of Highland cattle as a starter herd for the production of organic meat in Ukraine.

Automotive Craft School Bar

For a pilot project, a visit of 10 farmers from the Winnyzja region to Lüneburg has been agreed for the end of February 2023 in order to get to know agricultural production methods in Germany and to exchange technical knowledge. The aim is to get to know agricultural production methods in Germany and to exchange technical knowledge. In cooperation with the agricultural cooperative “Agrocluster” of the Winnyzja region, the development of business models for smaller farms in Ukraine is planned.

For the 2nd half of May 2023, the visit of 10 pupils and 3-4 teachers has been concretised. The Dannacker/Laudien car dealership has promised internships in its 3 workshops in Lüneburg for this period. In a conversation with the sales manager Mr. Krüger, the possibility of 1-year training units for pupils of Bar’s automotive school in Lüneburg was discussed for the future.

Partnership between Museum Lüneburg and Museum of Local History Winnyzja

A partnership was agreed between the Lüneburg Museum and the Winnyzja Museum of Local History with the aim of closer future cooperation. Corresponding letters were exchanged.

Partnership Winnyzja City Library with Lüneburg City Library

After 8 boxes of German books requested for the German section of the Winnyzja City Library were already handed over during the last transport by the LüneBuch bookshop in Lüneburg, a partnership has now been established with the sending of a larger number of Ukrainian books and children’s books to the Lüneburg City Library for Ukrainian refugees and refugee children.