Report on the relief goods transport in May/June 2022

Aid transport from 27 May – 4 June 2022

Dear friends and supporters of our work for the people in Ukraine, I am back safe and sound after an intensive week of work and experience in Vinnytsia.

Thanks to the broad support of shops, sponsors and private donations from Lüneburg, this time two trucks with a total of 35 tonnes of relief goods could be brought to Winnyzja/Central Ukraine.

The week was dominated by unloading, visits to the refugee centres and hospitals in the city of Vinnytsia, as well as to the Magistrate and District Government of Vinnytsia. Discussions with the district administration of the Vinnytsia region revealed that there are currently about 30,000 refugees in the city of Vinnytsia who are being cared for. There are another 140,000 refugees in the Winnytsia district, which poses great challenges for the municipalities involved in housing and care. All help is welcome, he said, and full support has been pledged for further relief shipments. Due to the particularly heavy burden on Bar County in the north-west of the region, it was agreed to focus the next relief transports on supplying refugee care and support to Bar Hospital. A list of the relief supplies needed will be delivered in the next few days and will be included in the planning of the next LHU relief transport in the last week of June. Translated with (free version)

Current situation of refugee care

I was greeted with joy everywhere by now “old acquaintances”. The situation in the refugee care continues to be tense. The “refugee centre of the Adventist church” had to restrict the opening days from 3 to 2 days a week due to a lack of relief supplies. Now, thanks to our support, it is open again 3 days a week. In May of this year, 6,800 refugees were provided with the necessities of everyday life, still almost exclusively women and children. The reports of refugees from Mariupol and Kharkiv showed a path from flight and fear to safety, shelter and care in Vinnytsia. Translated with (free version)

Current situation hospitals

During visits to the refugee centre “Diana” of the volunteers and to the refugee centre “Quadrat”, actually the youth hostel of the city, a similar picture presented itself. Just in time for the “Day of the Child”, the 3 pallets with toys from FIPS and BabyOne Lüneburg had arrived and were distributed to the many children. They received the gifts with big eyes and these moments alone were reward for our efforts in the last days and weeks. Translated with (free version)

Dank der großzügigen Unterstützung durch das Klinikum Lüneburg (in Kooperation mit HGZ Bad Bevensen) und den Rotarier Club Lüneburg konnten der dringlich erwartete Großraum-Sterilisator, 3 Ultraschall-Geräte, 6 Narkose-Überwachungs-Einheiten sowie ein kompletter Narkose-Arbeitsplatz neben einer größeren Menge an Narkose-Medikamenten im Pyrogova-Krankenhaus übergeben werden. Die Geräte gingen sofort am nächsten Tag in Betrieb, 3 Narkose-Überwachungs-Einheiten wurden an die Notfall-Klinik in Winnyzja weitergegeben. Auch ein hochwertiges multifunktionales Ultraschall-Gerät wurde an die zentrale Notaufnahme der Notfall-Klinik weitergeleitet. Hier wurde zur Erweiterung der Diagnostik-Funktionen die Beschaffung eines zusätzlichen „Echo-Schallkopfes“ vereinbart, der mit dem nächsten Transport (dank Unterstützung von Herrn Rokschanki von der Firma Abken-Medizin-Technik) nachgeliefert wird. Somit konnte die apparative Ausstattung von 2 Krankenhäusern dem aktuellen hohen Leistungsbedarf angepasst werden. Dementsprechend groß waren auch die Freude und Dankbarkeit bei allen Beteiligten.
Für die nächsten Hilfstransporte werden wir in Abstimmung und auf Bitten der Bezirks-Direktion von Winnyzja uns im medizinischen Bereich auf die Unterstützung des Krankenhauses in Bar im Landkreis Bar konzentrieren. Auch die Hilfsgüter des nächsten Hilfstransportes sind für die Flüchtlingsversorgung in Bar vorgesehen. Hier soll eine längerfristige Partnerschaft entstehen

Planning next relief transport end of June 2022

Preparations are underway for the 6th aid transport:

  • Completion of equipment for summer camp for refugee children.
  • 15 pallets of food from Handelshof Lüneburg
  • Medicines for hospital in cash according to request list
  • School action “food package” for a refugee family from the schools of Bleckede, Boizenburg and Lüneburg

Dear friends, that was a lot to read again. The support of the Vinnytsia region through our relief goods transports continues at a high level, thanks to your help. So far, 87 tons of relief goods with a total value of about € 620.00 have been transported in 5 accompanied transports.

Our special thanks for supporting our last transport go to:

  • Andre Novotny und Walter Beck, Stiftung Hof Schlüter, Lüneburg
  • Holger Menzel und Aktionsbündnis Ukraine-Soforthilfe, Bürgerverein Bleckede
  • Oldtimer-Freunde „Elbtalaue“ Bleckede e.V
  • Familie Dr. Gert Maichel, Freie Christengemeinde Lüneburg
  • Werner Kolbe, Landeszeitung Lüneburg
  • Johannes Schwindt u. Ralf Brunke, Handelshof AG Lüneburg
  • Dr. Moormann u. Prof. Kuchrzik, Klinikum Lüneburg
  • Gebrüder König, Trekking König Lüneburg
  • Friedrich, FIPS Lüneburg
  • BabyOne, Lüneburg
  • Prof. Weiss, Rotarier Club Lüneburg
  • Lions Club Lüneburg
  • Brigitte Witteler und den Landfrauen Bleckede
  • Fam. Beate Bodendorf, Webwork Bleckede
  • Fam. Sabrina Peters, textda Lüneburg
  • Fam. Weiseth, Alte Apotheke Bleckede

In this spirit, I remain with thanks and best regards Dr. Ralf-Peter Oelsner, (Operational Head of LHU e.V. in Ukraine).

Interim financial statement April – June 2022 (PDF)